Growth Notes from Hypefury - March edition πŸ“–

Hypefury's Growth Notes: ​
Your Monthly Dose of Twitter Growth Tactics


Three Twitter Growth Tips

1. When should you reply and when should you quote-tweet?​
If the account has up to 25K followers, quote tweet their tweets. Chances are they’ll retweet you. Before you do, check their timeline and see if they RT quote-tweets.

If the account has above 25k - 50k followers, reply to their tweet. People scroll through the replies of highly-engaged tweets, which will give you engagement and profile clicks! Win-Win.



2. Want people to follow you as soon as they come across your profile?
Choose your pinned tweet wisely. It is your first impression on potential followers. You can pin a thread that shows who you are/what you’ve done or a tweet that demos the value you give to your followers.


Hero Journey tweets about Email Marketing and you can see he knows his game from his pinned tweet.


Route has shared some lessons while telling his story which is quite persuasive and on point.


Tej has given us an insight into his life while showing off just a lil bit :p lol, kidding. The fantastic thread tells you exactly why you should follow him. Also, he has shown us 'net volume from sales' which makes everything 10 times believable. That's why proofs are important which is our next section.

3. Social proof is a killer seller.
Use it to your advantage. If you have a product you sell, and people tweet about it, I don’t have to say it, but, RETWEET IT. People trust other people's word over anything else. Selling a product on Twitter is one of the best ways to grow your account too. Just the mentions alone of people enjoying your products will help you grow your account.


If you've been on the Money side of Twitter for more than 2 months, you've probably heard about BlackHatWizard's cold emailing course. I had no clue what his course was about but because of the talk around the town, I already knew it's really successful.


You can post DM Screenshots as well, cause why not? However, social proof does not come easily. Make sure your tweet, course, newsletter WORKS! And then, post about it so the whole world knows.


Two Tweet Writing Tips

1. While editing a tweet ask yourself β€œDoes this word provide an insane amount of value?” If not, cut it.
❌ I think following your dreams is a bad advice. It makes us feel like a slave and keeps our dreams on a pedestal
βœ… Following your dreams is bad advice. It creates slaves by keeping our dreams on a pedestal

2. When you write your first tweet in a value-giving thread, INDICATE the amount of value your reader will get.
A thread on How to Write Better
This won't stop anyone from scrolling.
Learn how to EARN MORE with COPYWRITING in under 2 minutes - Has examples
Boom. Attention.

Folks under 10k you should follow right away

​Justin Welsh

He’s a solopreneur who recently redesigned his life. He now builds digital products, runs a boutique advisory firm, and mentors entrepreneurs. He tweets about building a niche and an audience, growing email lists, and how to set up our ideas into distributions. Pretty cool, right!


​Blake Emal​

He tweets about content strategies and building your audience. If this doesn’t πŸ”Ž you enough, then hear me out, he got over 7000 DM’s from a single tweet! Fun fact: He recently became the CMO of

We have a podcast with him as well, in case you wanna hear!



Three Favourite Tweets from Last Month

1. David Perell on feeling like an impostor

Hear this once and you’ll know everyone is an impostor..which means no one is. I’ve already heard it thrice and no regrets.



2. Nicolas Cole on Republishing Content

Nicolas talks about how to republish one essay on 5 platforms and build your audience everywhere. This is a guide to own it all, my friend!

Nicolas Cole


3. Yannick Veys on The Power of Risk

A real story on how going all in and taking the needed risk can get you to places. We love the energy in this one. All or Nothing!



No time for reading?

No worries! We have podcasts for you. 🎀

On our podcast, Hypefury Presents, we talk with up-and-coming and successful people about their Twitter account and businesses. We share the ingredients they use to make it big.

Wanna know how to build a business empire on Instagram?

This month’s feature is Niti Sarran, a 15yo who is making 4 figures on Instagram. You get to learn how to set up your Instagram account and earn a nice side income!



πŸ“ Featured: How to get 99% response rate on DMs

​Sales Notepad πŸ“’

Sales Notepad Tweets actionable business advice for strategic thinking. Notepad suggests that the secret sauce to growing on Twitter is in the Direct Messages (DM’s). Introduce yourself to everyone within your niche. When starting on Twitter, Notepad DM’d 300+ Money Twitter accounts in the first few days. Check out the introduction method he used to get a 99.9% response rate from even the largest Money Twitter accounts!



Did you enjoy this? HELL YES!!

Then check this out πŸ‘‡

We are rolling out a Community where we share more examples and guides, give niche-specific ideas, hands-on help, a step-by-step growth formula, and best of all - a space to connect and collaborate with people like you. You can find out more about it here! (PS First 50 people enjoy an Early Bird discount)

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Share this newsletter with a friend. They can subscribe to it here πŸ‘ˆ

If you want to get featured like Sales Notepad, submit this form here.

That’s it for now, everyone!

We’ll meet again next month with some more of this!

Feel free to reply to this mail. Waiting to hear from you :)

Cheers from Arunima, Samy and Yannick πŸ₯‚








Simple social automation & content creation for entrepreneurs who dream big πŸš€

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